Grouphealthfloridacom Flexible Spending Accounts Provide Savings
Released on: July 25, 2008, 11:57 pm
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Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Employees, who are increasingly shouldering the rising costs of health care, may find Flexible Spending Accounts the best solution. New legislation offers easier access to health care benefits.
Press Release Body: While not a new problem, the rising cost of health care is certainly on many people\'s minds in the 21st century. Last year alone, US health benefit costs rose by roughly 6.1 percent. Shockingly, that is higher than the overall rate of inflation, even without considering an increase in worker\'s wages.
If that isn\'t bad enough, with the ever-increasing costs of medical care in this country, those who have small businesses have to pay more for their health care benefits. This shift of higher expenses to smaller businesses means those already carrying a burden are beginning to bow under the pressure.
One answer to deal with these rising costs is a Flexible Spending Account. It\'s a highly practical way to help combat rising health care costs. Although many employers offer Flexible Spending Accounts, employee education seems to be lacking. Without proper information, it\'s difficult to make an informed decision about self-managed health care expenses.
For instance, generally speaking many workers do understand that a Flexible Spending Account helps them manage their out-of-pocket medical expenses, but don\'t realize they can also use this account to pay for mileage to the doctor (eligible trips only).
When the plan is used properly, workers can save an average of up to 30 percent on eligible expenses, just because they\'re using tax-free money. Employers, on the other hand, don\'t pay taxes on worker\'s paycheck contributions. This amounts to a nice arrangement for both parties.
Flexible Spending Accounts have recently received a nice shot in the arm in Florida with the passage of a bill aiming to give more access to affordable health care coverage. This would happen by allowing health insurance brokers to offer plans not subject to state benefit strictures. This couldn\'t come at a better time as statistics show over 3.8 million Floridians are without health insurance.
The new program called Cover Florida has various options for anyone who has been without insurance for at least six months. Those who have lost their jobs are given faster approvals. The bottom line is Flexible Spending Accounts may be the answer to a great many people\'s health insurance prayers.
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Contact Details: Adviatech Corp., PR for 9280 Bay Plaza Blvd Suite 706 Tampa, FL 33619 1.813.600.3017
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